“Schenectady County – The Town of Dunaesburg, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Richard/Eden Renewables will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves the application for a Secial Permits under Local Law #1-2016 of the Solar Energy Facilities Law. The project is located at 13590 Duanesburg Road in the Town of Duanesburg, New York.
Contact: Dale Warner, Town of Duanesburg, 5853 Western Turnpike, Duanesburg, NY 12056, Phone: (518) 895-2040, E-mail: Dale@duanesburg.net.”
read the entire article
Department of Environmental Conservation Environmental Notice Bulletin 1 July 2020.
NOTE: Duanesburg Planning Board approved Resolution and Site Plan 19 September 2019. Beginning early 2020 Lynne Bruning filed multiple letters with Duanesburg Town Board and Planning Board and Department of Conservation Region 4 that a negative declaration had not been filed.
NOTE: DEC ENB posting does not include name of two power plants, two street addresses, capacity or acreage. Compare to Eden Renewable’s Cedar Hill Solar ENB for Town of Schodack 8 August 2020 https://www.dec.ny.gov/enb/20200805_not4.html