“A plan to maintain the city’s “community forest,” which consists of thousands of trees found along roadways and parks, is set to be reviewed publicly later this month.
The city’s Community Forest Management Plan recommends spending thousands over a seven year period to grow the number of trees throughout the city and maintain the 11,545 trees identified along public rights-of-way and parks.
The plan was completed following a citywide tree survey last year conducted by PlanIT GEO, a Colorado-based urban forestry consulting firm, which found that 80% of trees in the city can be found along public rights-of-way with most in average condition. The survey and management plan were paid for using a $61,200 Urban and Community Forestry grant from the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation.
A copy of the plan can be found on the city’s website and a public hearing is set to take place at the Mont Pleasant Public Library, located at 1036 Crane St., on April 26 at 5:30 p.m. “
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Arnold, Chad. Schenectady Daily Gazette 17 April 2022.