“The town of Duanesburg will hold a public hearing Thursday via zoom to hear residents’ questions and concerns about its comprehensive plan, which outlines the goals the town has for the future.
Some ideas in the plan include ensuring broadband access to everyone in town, determining the feasibility of the town generating its own solar electric power and providing municipal water access, particularly for areas geared toward commercial or high density residential growth.
The comprehensive plan has not been updated since 2006.
The plan can be viewed at https://www.duanesburg.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4351/f/news/duanesburg_comp_town_board_final.pdf
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Meeting ID: 883 4791 4369
Passcode: 202021
Join by phone
Dial: 1-646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 883 4791 4369
Passcode: 202021”
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Briere, Shanandoah. Schenectady Gazette 20 April 2021.