“The city continued with its traction toward moving homes on Ingersoll Avenue in the historic Stockade neighborhood out of a floodplain along the Mohawk River, during a Tuesday webinar.
Schenectady was awarded funding to work with the community in determining a preferred approach to mitigate the impact of flooding in the Stockade neighborhood and assist property owners with preserving their homes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation grant program through the New York Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services offered a two-phased project. The first is a comprehensive mitigation analysis of $1.2 million.
Subsequently, FEMA will consider awarding more than $7.5 million for construction in Phase 2.
The historic homes would be moved to a new street, with the goal for construction of the new street slated for 2022 or 2023, although there are many steps to get through before that point, Kristin Diotte, city director of development, said.”
read the entire article
Lee, Brian. Schenectady Gazette 31 March 2021.