Town of Claverack Planning Board February 3, 2020

March 2, 2020 @ 6:12 PM – 7:12 PM

Town of Claverack Planning Board Minutes for February 3, 2020
“Claverack Creek Solar LLC Site Plan Review/Special Exception: Tax Map #(SBL) 100 . – 1 – 1 Located at
151 Humane Society Rd. Site Plan Review/Special Exception for the construction of a 37-acre large scale solar
energy system.
Owen Sperlstra and Gillian Black were present for the application. Mr. Sperlman and Mr. Black informed
the Board that they are working on both the Claverack Creek Solar and Catskill View Solar application. Mr.
Black informed the Board that these solar installations will be 37 and 36 acres respectively. Mr. Black
continued that he met with Jay Trapp and the Town Board prior to the development of these sites. Mr.
Sperlman informed the Board that the solar panels will be on ground mounted pilings that will rotate as the
sun moves. Mr. Black stated that the solar fields will be surrounded with an 8 ½ foot fence and cameras all
around for security. Mr. Black explained that the solar fields will send the energy to the grid and will sell to
local residents at a 10% savings. Mr. Black stated that the glare from the solar panels is no more than that of
a clear pond or lake, do not make any noise, no traffic, little maintenance with a biodiverse planting design
and sheep to maintain a couple times of year. Mr. Black continued that the sites will have screening with
existing trees and added indigenous plantings around. Mr. Black continued that both sites are outside of the
flood risk area and not much water is displaced by the solar panels and what is runoff will seep into the
ground. Mr. Black stated that they are currently working with National Grid for installation of the poles and
infrastructure to send the energy to the power station. Mr. Black stated that their company is looking to set
up a PILOT program. Mr. Black also stated that they are looking into a partnership with a local school
district to train students with implementing a solar curriculum. Mr. Black continued that they will pay
National Grid to make the upgrades to the system on their end. Mr. Black stated that the benefits will be a
strengthened energy grid, cut pollution, more locally sourced energy, supports agriculture through
pollination and seeding, local jobs for landscaping, civil engineering, property management, snow removal
and bee keepers and goat farmers and will not need to use pesticides unless invasive species are located. Mr.
Black stated that the site will not be paved because roadways are not needed which is an environmental
benefit. Mr. Black informed the Board that his clients, the Casivant family owns 250 +/- acres and they are
currently looking at a 3rd site at this location in addition to these two sites. Mr. Black informed the Board that
the energy will travel directly through the property to the National Grid substation. Mr. Black stated that this
is a good use for the site that is within the Rural Agricultural Zone. Mr. Black informed the Board that the
site does not require personnel on a daily basis, will be monitored via cameras and will have typical livestock
fencing, no barbed or razor wire. Mr. Black informed the Board that both sites will have pylons that will have
the solar panels installed onto them. Mr. Black continued that the pylons will be installed in the ground via
pounding them into the site. Mr. Black stated that during this installation there might be some minor noise
from the pounding but no noise after installation. Mr. Black stated that the solar modules will rotate 1 degree
every 8 minutes following the arc of the sun. Mr. Black stated that the two sites are screened but will require
additional screening in some areas and they will do a balloon test to determine the best spaces to install
additional plantings. Mr. Black continued that the newly installed plantings will not be fully grown trees but
will grow over time to fill in the area. Mr. Black informed the Board that the utility will connect and upgrade
lines down Pulcher Ave. and then onto the substation. Mr. Speulstra informed the Board that each of the
solar farms will have two inverter pads with two transformers with two sets of 6 poles at the end of the
roadway with National Grid owning the first two sets and the solar company owning the others. Chairman
Cole asked how high are the poles. Mr. Speulstra answered that the poles will be at 30-feet but it is a dance
with National Grid at this time. Mr. Black stated that the company pays National Grid to install the first two
sets of poles then Eden Renewables will install the remaining poles and they will then work together to make
sure that the system and lines are all working properly. Stephen King stated that the map is hard to read as
to the proximity of the solar farm to the Claverack Creek because of the 100-year flood plain. Jock Winch
informed the applicants that the site requires a 100-foot setback for the flood plain. Mr. Speulstra will look at
the flood plain. Mr. Black informed the Board that the property has enough room to make it happen and will
maintain use of the existing tracks do minimize disturbance. Continued to the March meeting.

Catskill View Solar LLC Site Plan Review/Special Exception: Tax Map #SBL) 101 . – 1 – 1 Located at 132
Humane Society Rd. Site Plan Review/Special Exception for the construction of a 40-acre large scale solar
energy system.
Mr. Black and Mr. Speulstra from Eden Renewables was present for this application also. Mr. Black
informed the Board that the Catskill View Solar site will require a minor subdivision and will have an
easement. Mr. Black continued that ultimately the entire site will consist of 3 separate solar fields the third is
in design. Mr. Black continued that all of the parcels will be leased for 25-year lease with the option of 3 more
5-year terms from the Casivant family and they will maintain ownership of the property. Mr. Speulstra stated
that he has submitted detailed packets and at this time are looking for feedback and engineer review. Mr.
Black stated that this is actually one action but are totally separate fields and one disturbance for SWIPPEs
which is still less than one acre. Mr. Black stated that the has submitted an adequate erosion mitigation plan
during installation. Robert Vecchi asked what the timeframe is for completion. Mr. Black answered that
National Grid has already started the necessary upgrade to the grid and the company would like to have the
fields completed by Spring 2021 if everything falls into place. Stephen King asked that the applicant submit a
construction disturbance plan with the number of trucks per day, noise pounding decibel, hours of pounding,
size of the construction trucks, traffic increase because he knows that the people in that area are going to ask
these questions. Mr. Speulstra stated that there will be noise during the day when they are installing the
pylons but it is a short timeframe for this to happen. Chairman Cole stated that there is one house, farm,
humane society and a very close trailer park. Stephen King informed the applicant that sound travels and the
trailer park residents will be impacted. Virginia Ambrose asked if the company has any other local projects
in the area. Mr. Black answered no nothing in the United Stated yet but are currently working on a site in
Schodack and two more in Dwaynesville and a few others in the works but all are in the United Kingdom but
he would be happy to share any information. Stephen King asked where in the U.K. are sites located. Robert
Vecchi informed the applicants that the more positive information that they could submit would be the best
for them. Mr. Black stated that this site is a great opportunity to let the ground rest and regenerate and they
have proof that it creates better soils, hosting beekeepers to pollinate a 3-mile area and the increase of worms.
Mr. Black stated that at the end of a possible 40-year term or end of the 25 year term they will pull out all of
the panels using the decommission bond. Mr. Black continued that all of the materials used for the field are
recyclable. Virginia Ambrose asked about how the panels tip and turn. Mr. Black stated that the panels are
set at 52 degrees east and rotate to 52 degrees west at 1 degree per minute so a rotation of 104 degrees to
chase the sun all day from sunrise to sundown. Virginia Ambrose asked how rainwater will get to the ground.
Mr. Black stated that the panels are 8-feet wide and are spaced further apart than the width of the panel so
rain will run off into the surrounding ground. Robert Vecchi stated that he reviewed the decommission plan
and would like to know why the duct vents are left. Mr. Black stated that anything over 4-feet is removed.
Virginia Ambrose asked about the subdivision of property into three parcels. Mr. Black answered yes there
will be three properties with three different 911 addresses. 151 Humane Society Rd. which will include Mr.
Casivant’s residence, 132 Humane Society Rd. and 129 Humane Society Rd. Rob Fitzsimmons informed the
Board that all three are still under 50%. Jock Winch stated that the Town of Claverack Solar Law for Large
Solar fields is really new and this is the first trial and it appears that all of the points have been covered with
the lot size needing to be clearer on the size of the parcel and the size of the array. Rob Fitzsimmons stated
that the lot size then the size of the solar array meets the total acreage of the parcel with the array meets the
requirements of the law. Robert Vecchi stated that he questions the PILOT agreement should be with the
Town of Claverack Town Board. Mr. Black stated that the Town Board, Town Attorney and Eden
Renewables will provide a proposal for the PILOT plan. Stephen King stated that when that is completed the
Planning Board will need a draft copy for the file. Rob Fitzsimmons informed the Board that he will sit with
Charles Brewer the Town of Claverack Assessor to figure out the Agricultural Exemption and the taxes. Mr.
Black informed the Board that this will be a net benefit to the Town of Claverack and the school district when
the property comes out of Agricultural Exemption. Rob Fitzsimmons informed the applicant that this is a
good point to let the people know. Stephen King suggested that when the project gets further along it should
be uploaded onto the Town of Claverack website for citizens to review. Rob Fitzsimmons stated that the
technical review begins he will ask for electronic files for the website. Stephen King stated that this will help
to make the residents and neighbors better informed. Mr. Black stated that his company recently had an open
house to discuss the new solar laws and large solar fields but it was very poorly attended Mr. Black asked the
Board to deem the application complete. Chairman Cole stated that he is not comfortable with deeming the
application complete until the Planning Board has met or had a workshop. Rob Fitzsimmons stated that there
really isn’t a need for a workshop and the applicant is not seeking approval because they will need a
subdivision and George Schmitt will need to review. Rob Fitzsimmons continued that Mr. Black actually
helped the Town of Claverack write the Large Solar Law. Chairman Cole asked for a workshop to review the
new law and applications. Rob Fitzsimmons suggested to allow George Schmitt to do the technical review and
it is early in the application so it is better to continue the application and if necessary schedule to meet earlier
at the March meeting. Rob Fitzsimmons informed the Board that if they were going to hold a workshop or
separate meeting it would require notice for the public. Rob Fitzsimmons continued that the Town Board and
Assessor will work on the PILOT and if the Board requests to meet earlier for the March meeting it will be
decided closer to the meeting. Continued to the March meeting”
Kipp, Peter & Diana Large Scale Solar Energy System Site Plan Review/Special Exception: Tax Map #(SBL)
101 . – 1 – 14 . 111 Located at 197 Stottville Rd. Site Plan Review & Special Exception for the construction of
a 20-acre large scale solar energy system.
Lindsay McIntire was present for the application. Ms. McIntire informed the Board that her company has
installed over 30 large solar fields in NYS and they will send a roster of clients for the Board to review. Ms.
McIntire stated that this will be the first field in Columbia County. Ms. McIntire informed the Board that this
site is off of Stottville Rd. on property that is owned by the Kipp family. Ms. McIntire continued that the Kipp
family has lived on the property for decades. Ms. McIntire stated that this solar field will be a community
solar farm meaning that the community can subscribe to the energy produced. Ms. McIntire continued that
the site has existing robust screening. Ms. McIntire informed the Board that unlike the previous applications
this site will not require pounding of pylons because they use fixed posts. Ms. McIntire stated that the site is
approximately 20-acres. Ms. McIntire continued that they also plan to use a pollination friendly mix
consisting of clover and wildflowers that will be planted by a local contractor. Stephen King asked how much
distance is between the panels. Ms. McIntire stated that there will be 12-feet between the rows due to fixed
panels that are at fixed tilt with an 8-foot fenced in perimeter which will be agricultural fencing, no barbed
wire. Stephen King stated that some additional screening will be needed. Ms. McIntire informed the Board
that the existing screening was very dense with thick brush but no hardwoods. Jock Winch informed the
applicant that the previous large solar applications will install additional screening. Ms. McIntire will do a
visual review of the property to determine additional sites for screening. Stephen King stated that screening is
very important because this site directly impacts several residential properties. Stephen King continued that
removing the brush and planting trees and shrubs might be the best to create the most screening for the
neighbors. Mr. ? stated that the field will have a 700-foot gravel roadway to have it permeable for rainwater
runoff. Ms. McIntire stated that she has submitted a letter from the ACOE that no permit is needed for the
wetlands because they are far enough away. Ms. McIntire continued that unlike the previous solar application
their site will not use pylons that need to be pounded into the ground but will be using the type of mounting
that will be screwed into the ground so no noise. Ms. McIntire stated that she has not yet submitted the
PILOT plan to the Town of Claverack at this time. Mr. ? informed the Board that solar installations are
allowed in ACOE wetlands but tree removal is not allowed. Katy Cashen asked how far off of Stottville Rd.
will the installation be situated. Mr. ? stated about 300-feet from the roadway. Chairman Cole informed the
applicant that all of the residences on the map are marked with the wrong names. Ms. McIntire will check
and correct. Rob Fitzsimmons asked if the site will connect to Stottville Rd. Ms. McIntire answered yes and
they have already made a 25% payment to clear with National Grid. Chairman Cole asked if the current lines
have enough to power the energy down Stottville Rd. to NYS Rte. 66. Ms. McIntire stated that the poles and
lines on Stottville Rd. will need to have an upgrade but NYS Rte. 66 are sufficient. Stephen King asked if the
project will take 3 to 4 months to complete. Jock Winch asked if there is a decommission plan. Mr. ? stated
that this will be submitted for review. Stephen King asked what lease agreement is in place. Ms. McIntire
stated that they have a 25-year lease with an option for up to four more 5-year extensions. Chairman Cole
stated that he is concerned with the amount of screening and would like to see additional screening along
Stottville Rd. and the northern corner where houses sit up on the hill overlooking the field. Rob Fitzsimmons
asked how the solar panels move. Ms. McIntire answered that these solar panels are fixed and do not move or
rotate. Stephen King stated that more screening is needed and he would need to see a more detailed screening
plan because it is so close to several residential properties. Mr. ? stated that he will look at the screening and
provide a more detailed screening plan. Chairman Cole informed the applicant that George Schmitt will
begin his review. Mr. ? stated that the company has made the escrow payment to the Town of Claverack. Jay
Trapp informed Mr. ? that as of the meeting no escrow payment had been received. Mr. ? stated that the
payment was sent over a week ago and he will check into this issue. Chairman Cole asked if the field will have
some sort of shut offs. Ms. McIntire answered no because it is a 3-phase system. Chairman Cole informed the
applicant that just the past weekend there was a car accident on NYS Rte. 66 where the vehicle hit a pole
causing the insulators to fall off the poles even though the poles were not damaged. Chairman Cole continued
that the power was out for several miles from the site of the accident and what is there to keep the electricity
from blowing back. Ms. McIntire answered that the inverter senses a problem and will shut down
automatically. Virginia Ambrose asked for the applicant to submit a list of other projects. Ms. McIntire will
provide the list of their other sites. Continued to the March meeting.
Other Business:
Chairman Cole informed the Board that they had received a request from the Town of Ghent for LEAD
agency for a large scale solar project on property that was previously the site of the proposed Ginsberg’s
application. Chairman Cole continued that the project is very close to the Town of Claverack/Town of Ghent
boundary therefore it requires the Town of Ghent to request LEAD agency status for the application. Katy
Cashen asked if there is a limit as to the number of large solar projects that can be installed. Rob
Fitzsimmons referred to George Schmitt. Stephen King stated that this project is the 4th large solar array
within a very close proximity to each other and also the County Airport. Katy Cashen asked if it would be
wise to check with National Grid to see what the capacity limit would be on their end. George Schmitt will
contact National Grid. Rob Fitzsimmons informed the Board that everyone is rushing to be the first incase
the Town of Claverack or other towns begin to put a moratorium on the number of large scale solar fields so
it is a first come first serve type of situation.
Motion to consent to allow the Town of Ghent to act as LEAD agency for purposes of ELP Solar Ghent
project was made by Virginia Ambrose with a second from Robert Vecchi. All members were in favor.
Motion carried.”
Town of Claverack Planning Board 3 February 2020.